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PRIVACY LAW UPDATE: Three things you need to know about the Privacy Bill before it becomes Law.

About the Author:

Dan Winfield

Partner at Duncan Cotterill
Dan co-leads the firm’s intellectual property (IP) practice as an IP and consumer law specialist. He helps clients make commercially sensible decisions around IP protection and in IP disputes.

New Zealand’s privacy law is currently undergoing a major revamp, with the 1993 Act expected to be replaced by mid-2020. Here, Dan Winfield of Duncan Cotterill discusses the three things you need to know.

1. Mostly, it's steady as she goes.

 The Government has shied away from major renovations and the Privacy Bill looks largely like the principles-based Privacy Act you're familiar with. You are unlikely to need to make wholesale changes to your privacy practices.

2. You need a privacy breach procedure

The Bill requires notification of affected individuals and the Privacy Commissioner as soon as practicable after a notifiable breach happens. Increased penalties apply for failure to notify. A privacy breach is any unauthorised or accidental access to, disclosure, alteration, loss, or destruction of personal information, or an action that prevents the holder from accessing the information.

A notifiable privacy breach is a privacy breach that it is reasonable to believe has caused or is likely to cause serious harm to an affected individual.

In considering the serious harm question, the agency must consider the actions taken to reduce the risk of harm, whether the information disclosed is sensitive, the nature of harm that might flow, the person or body who has received the information, whether the information is protected by a security measure and "any other relevant matters."

Which means you will need to have a process which:

a. Enables an assessment against the serious harm standard.

b. Functions to raise an internal notification where a breach has occurred.

c. Causes notification in the right circumstances.

You'll need to train relevant staff to interpret the standard in light of the relevant facts.

3 Where are you sending that information?

Prudent organisations will consider their information transfer practices and which third parties they're using to process information before the Bill comes into force.

New in the Bill is a requirement that an agency only disclose personal information to a foreign person or entity (think: Salesforce/MYOB) where the individual concerned authorises the disclosure after being expressly informed that the recipient may not be required to protect the information in an equivalent way.

The use of "expressly informed" suggests a much stricter requirement than tucking a notice into your privacy policy.

There will be carve outs to the "expressly informed" requirement, notably for "prescribed countries" approved by (yet to be drafted) regulations, where the recipient is carrying on business in New Zealand (think: Microsoft/ Google), or where the discloser reasonably thinks that the recipient is subject to privacy laws that, overall, provide comparable safeguards.

But every business which collects information here and then stores, processes or otherwise transfers it overseas will need to turn their mind to this issue.

Dan Winfield  

Duncan Cotterill
04 499 3280

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